
Impact Frame is a personal blog focused on anime, games, and other media. I started it so I could share my thoughts in a more permanent and lengthier way, do something that felt productive out of my hobbies, and practice my writing.

I go by TehVict online and I’m not very good at writing bios. You can follow me on Twitter where I mostly tweet about the same topics I intend to write here. Here’s my AniList if you’d like to know what I’ve seen or follow me there. Just know my rating criteria there is mostly an ambiguous gut feeling and the scores for shows of different genres aren’t comparable.

What’s an impact frame?

Usually monochromatic or otherwise chromatically stylized drawings hidden within sequences to give them extra oomph. While they tend to flash for a fraction of a second for the most part, some animators choose to flaunt them instead.

Sakuga Blog

They are really cool and I’m a big fan so I named my blog after them. Here’s a lot of them.

What is the show on the banner?

That impact frame is from the great anime Concrete Revolutio: Superhuman Phantasmagoria, and drawn by none other than the incredible Yutaka Nakamura. Here is the full scene that it is from.